Hey darlings. Things have been so crazy busy, but I know that's not really an excuse not to write. The truth is, there have been so many things I've wanted to blog about in the last month. Things I hope you'd find interest in, and things I know I want to document for myself. But I've been too much of a wuss to go find a place to take photos of outfits, to be honest. I'm trying to make it a mission to go out and about with a camera and tripod before it gets to cold, so hopefully I'll have some good shots coming up. (Until then, you get cheesy webcam shots.)

In the meantime, how does a recap sound? We did this back in the summer & it was fun, so shall we try again? College is terrific, and here's what it's been all about so far:
Spending money (ew), "We're fashion students! We can wear anything and get away with it.", late night movies, whispered secrets, coffee, flipping through magazines for homework, hopping fences in dresses, smiles, writing about my brother's old house for English Composition and caring more about it than anything I've written in a long time, sarcasm and wit, guys who like Zooey Deschanel movies, falling asleep to the Isley Brothers, time management, getting gussied up very often, homecoming excitement, gratifying A's and good feedback (I love feedback from profs!), four outfits in a day, adoring my roomie, amazing professional irons, vintage shopping downtown, making curtains on a Saturday night (we're that cool, yes), feeling really good, "Who doesn't have a crush on Robert Downey Jr.?!", falling into routine, swing dancing, mini-road trips, Packers games, highlighter tattoos under blacklights, owl decorations, construction paper & glue sticks in class (haha), doing things properly, and glittering tights.
What's your autumn been like so far?

P.S. Lame cell phone photo, but here's what I wore the other day while vintage shopping:

glasses & tights / f21 | cardi / american eagle | dress / handmade | bag / kakadu australia