Another plaid flannel Archer! Are you sick of these yet? People started to catch on to how much I was wearing my other flannel, so I had to do the logical thing and make another one. I got more of this amazing Kaufman Mammoth flannel from Fabric.com, because it is in all actuality the perfect flannel. Such a great weight, so soft, and such a good quality.

Not much is different on this one, except I took the sleeves in 1/4" to just slim them down ever-so-slightly. All internal seams are flat-felled, and I made the entire thing on my little Singer Featherweight machine, thanks to a little buttonhole attachment I picked up. This is my 4th Archer, and I find that I am still learning things! Mostly, don't skimp on pins. It's okay to have to rip things out. When in doubt, steam it out. Oh wait, those are things I remind myself with every sewing project!

But seriously, as I was working on this, I was thinking about how glad I am to have this thing that I do (because I don't think calling it a "hobby" is nearly encompassing enough at this point) that I've just straight up always enjoyed, always done (well, since I was 12 or so), and can always continue to learn from and improve upon. Sewing and making clothes is my happy place. It's one thing I just don't get sick of, and as much as I do it, I'll never be 100% proficient at it - there is always room for improvement. It's humbling to continuously make mistakes, and to make very imperfect things, especially when it's in something I consider to be the strongest of my skills. I think part of the attraction of sewing is that you can always, always learn more.

Also let's talk about these buttons! These beautiful handmade wooden buttons are from Arrow Mountain, an awesome Etsy shop based out of Australia. I am so stoked on them - she has all kinds of cute designs, and I am already plotting which ones to order next! How cute do these look with this nice woodsy plaid??

That's all I've got for now. I did snag some amazing woven fabrics in Chicago last weekend, so expect to see some pretty blues and ikat weaves ASAP!
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